
Welcome to Athletics

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esball世博在运动场上有着悠久的优秀传统, on the court, and in the pool.
我们的使命是继承过去的成功和传统. In doing so, esball世博体育以学生为中心, 包容,充满了生活经验和技能,帮助我们的孩子在大学和以后取得成功.

我们在体育运动中所做的一切都应该强化我们的孩子从父母和老师那里学到的东西. As a result, 我们的学生运动员将理解团队合作的重要性, responsibility, 职业道德和尊重,同时享受生命中最难忘的时光.

Go Friars!
Scott Thies '99
Athletic Director

Athletics Department

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Matthew Battaglia

    Matthew Battaglia 

    Asst. Athletic Director, Teacher
  • Photo of Tracy Bonaccorsi

    Tracy Bonaccorsi 

    Associate Athletic Director
  • Photo of David Fergerson

    David Fergerson 

    Asst. Athletic Director, Teacher

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